Film Objektiv Membership

Film Objektiv Membership

from $109.00

For the whole year, get exclusive discounts on everything we offer including processing and scans, film camera rentals, products from our shop, and educational experiences. FO Membership pricing is locked automatically for 7 years as long as your membership is held continuously, so you’re protected against future price increases. If your rates do go up at this time, you benefit from the pricing preceding the most recent increase, so you still save.

Maker Membership | $149

Specialist Membership | $149

Pro Membership | $239

  • 30% off Standard Express and 2-Day shipping for rentals

  • 20% off all camera rentals

  • 15% off all film processing and scanning (and 50% off any scanning add-on charge)

  • 5% off all products from the shop

  • Priority handling and lab service preparations

  • 7-Year Price-Lock with Add’l Savings

  • *For a limited time, get a free JCH Film Case (just pay shipping)

Express Shipping | $109

  • Complimentary 2-Day Shipping on all rentals for the duration of your FO Membership

  • Requires an existing FO Membership (or add one to cart before checkout)

Become a Member

A Film Objektiv Membership is the best way to save on our products and services. Whether you plan on using our services, buying products, or learning from us through our educational experiences, you can save on everything we offer with a FO Membership.

Best for professionals and other advanced photographers, the Pro Membership provides the most benefits for the most savings throughout the year. Meanwhile, Maker Membership offers a great way for everyone to save on our foundational services. Specialist Membership offers a great chunk of savings to frequent renters. And no matter which you choose, you can always choose the Express Shipping add-on in order to give yourself the most time with all your rentals by enjoying 2-day shipping for your gear.

film-objektiv-film-analog-cameras-for-sale-leica-m4-2-kit-0001-5046.jpg film-objektiv-film-analog-cameras-for-sale-leica-m4-2-kit-0006-5051.jpg

Leica M4-2 with Late-Model 28mm f/2.8 Elmarit II

Hasselblad 503CXi with 80mm CF Lens (Black) film-objektiv-film-analog-cameras-for-sale-hasselblad-503cxi-503-cxi-kit-0001-5146.jpg

Hasselblad 503CXi with 80mm CF Lens (Black)

Mamiya 645 Lenses film-objektiv-film-analog-cameras-for-sale-0004-9422.jpg

Mamiya 645 Lenses

from $175.00